Directions to Foxhollow Farm
Directions to Foxhollow Farm
Foxhollow Farm: 8905 Hwy 329, Crestwood, Kentucky 40014
Beth's office is located in the Main Office Building.
From I-71: Foxhollow Farm is only 2.2 miles off I-71! Take the Crestwood/Peewee Valley exit #14. From Louisville turn left onto 329 towards the town of Brownsboro (away from Crestwood). From Cincinnati turn right on to Hwy 329. Travel 2.2 miles. The Foxhollow Farm entrance will be on your right.
From Hwy 42: Turn onto Hwy 329 (Covered Bridge Rd). Travel on 329 for 5.4 miles. The entrance to Foxhollow Farm will be on the left.
From 265: Take the Brownsboro Road/Crestwood Exit #34. Turn east onto 22 towards Crestwood (away from the Summit Shopping Center). Travel .07 miles and turn left onto 1694 North. You will pass Norton Commons on your left and continue on 1694 until it ends, forming a ‘T’at Hwy 329. Turn right onto Hwy 329. Travel .04 miles. The Foxhollow Farm entrance will be on your left.